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Dimensions of Wellness

Dimensions of Wellness is a web application for measuring, tracking and researching wellness. There is a publically available version of the application that can be used by individuals to track their own wellness. It can also be used by care providers to manage and track their patients wellness assessments.

There is an Enterprise version of Dimensions of Wellness available organizations or larger medical practices. This enables enterprises to run their own version, and control access, the look and feel, as well as the questions and analysis.

To inquire about purchasing the enterprise version, please contact or visit the Dimensions of Wellness Enterprise page


Cognitive Services


Cups of Tea




Lines of Code


Work Process

Crowdbitz will work directly with your organization to build AI that enhances your operations.


Our consultants will meet with you to to discuss and plan your project.


We will design to your requirements, with data generated during consultation.


Testing during and after design will guide development and ensure success.

Reporting and Improvement

Testing and Machine Learning can be harnessed to provide continual improvement

Lets Talk

Contact us directly or through the ChatBot at the top and bottom of the page.